We had an incredibly busy summer and towards the end we found out we are expecting baby #2! I'm due 4/12/11, and I'm already day dreaming about newborn fluff. I've had a fairly easy pregnancy thus far except for being incredibly nauseous for all of the first 16 weeks. I feel so blessed to be carrying around this gift that God is knitting together inside me, and I can't wait to meet him/her in April (we aren't finding out the gender). I'm also hoping for a VBAC this time around, so expect some posts about that journey. Here's a picture of our little bean:
Shepard, our 1st, is now 20 months. I don't even know how that is possible, as I still consider him to be my little baby. It seems as if he's getting bigger everyday! He's constantly on the go. Always exploring and investigating. I'm constantly amazed by how much he knows and how I see him learning new things everyday. He keeps me so busy during the day, that's for sure, but I wouldn't trade a minute of it. He's such a blessing. Besides, how could you resist this sweet face?
Along with all the life changes, I've been praying about what direction I'd like to take this blog. One of my readers (and a sweet friend) told me once that I parent with purpose, and I hope to convey that in future posts. I love doing reviews and giveaways, so that will definitely remain (no worries there! I'm already lining up some fabulous giveaways!). But I also hope to start including more about our day-to-day lives, our faith, parenting style, and our journey with going green. I hope you'll all stick around and follow our journey!